Your waist to hip ratio can also be used as a guideline for determining obesity.
The waist to hip ratio is an indicator of your body shape. This measurement determines the weight distribution on your body. Weight distribution is a marker for health risks (in association of obesity/overweight with chronic disease and disability). The pear-shape body, where the weight is distributed towards the lower half of your body, generally does not pose similar serious consequences as when the weight distribution is more towards your abdominal area.
To determine your body shape, calculate by dividing the circumference of your waist by the circumference of your hips. It is easier by using the Waist to Hip Ratio Calculator.
What is the ideal waist-hip ratio? For men, it is ideally below 0.95 and for women, below 0.80. A ratio over 1.0 indicates obesity. Remember obesity is associated with greater health risks.