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Perils of The Bulging Belly
Look good, feel good! These are the desired outcomes most weight watchers would like to achieve and keep for life. Carrying a spare tire around does not simply have a negative impact on your physical appearance alone. It is now known that health implications of abdominal obesity (excessive fat tissue in and around the abdomen) are the major concerns especially for those who carry their potbelly around.

Good looks and self-esteem do matter but let us also look at the many negative aspects of carrying the bulge around our waist, particularly on the aspects of potential health risks associated with bulging bellies. People with bulging waistlines have higher risks of health complications and it is known that the apple-shaped body is associated with elevated risks of heart disease, diabetes, stroke and other medical conditions.

appleBelly fat is actually visceral fat, which is the layer of fat inside the abdomen. Men tend to store more fat around their mid-section rather than their hips & butts and women accumulate belly fat especially after menopause. Aging does not improve your fat profile; as age progresses, your metabolism slows down. Fat accumulation becomes more difficult to stop and reducing fat becomes a much greater challenge.

Let’s zoom in on the issue of metabolic syndrome. The Mayo Clinic2 defines metabolic syndrome as “a cluster of conditions that occur together, increasing your risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes”. One of these conditions is excess body fat around your waist. The Mayo Clinic suggests aggressive lifestyle changes to delay or derail the development of serious diseases.
spacer bulging bellyFurthermore, obesity and bulging bellies are also linked with dementia. In a study published by the Journal of Neurology in March 2008, it has been shown that people who were obese and had a large belly size were three (3) times more likely to be diagnosed with dementia in later years than those with normal weight and belly size3.

Take action
So, the fat found in your bulging belly is worse than the fats found elsewhere (like your hips). Do not despair, fight back the bulge! Let's use clichés just to drive the point - “better late than sorry” and “better safe than sorry”. It begins with you, for you. Once you decide to combat the belly fat, act on it. A healthy lifestyle plus helping aids, like Zenoctil™, is a move towards attaining your healthy body weight. That includes sensible healthy eating plus an active lifestyle you really enjoy. This way, you can sustain the healthy lifestyle and you also get to have fun too. Now, that is about you staying in control of your health (bulging belly included).

3Journal of Neurology (DOI: 10.1212/01.wnl.0000306313.89165.ef)

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